and or whatever it's worth is this part of it Welcome everyone to the August fourth edition technology Check in thanks for showing up today. And I don't really have any formal agenda items on it. know i've been working with couple school districts One district. We worked upgrading their V center being Esxi host, we did last that Friday earlier week, then another configure sand, setting backups stuff So? yeah. Any other say my exciting news, it? Which talked about a little bit i'm going Msi sec annual meeting next so guess i'll leave here Sunday afternoon Dd. be back late thursday night won't available if you know, put ticket in, kind keep track those during But co-presenting session group all acronyms that, having deal mail spf Dk am D. Mark roundtable discussion that'll Wednesday from 3 4 pm central time. think doing presentation but looking forward that. That should be, think. pretty fun experience looked at entire agenda. Looks like there's lot good topics stuff, So we'll see what's there actually discussed. I'll probably do tech check Thursday. hotel room Baltimore. The gets done noon time, able run there. If can get Internet connection everything Okay, goal there, updates presentation. Line than that's today me. Mr. Foley, Oh, not too much know. We're starting mad rush control student devices, got enough provisioned. All take off. Now. suspect Probably where most people are getting ready started school. we're coming leg Matthew, far just same. Just okay, chaos happening teachers trying some catch up. sounds good. Anyone questions things they'd bring Not Alrighty well