- MYA Presentation at NWAEA Review
- Greenbone Scanner, on supplied appliance.
- State Security Grant Walk-through
- Wireless HDMI problems
- VIDI solution, thinking about trying
- Securly Setup
- SUI Local to Cloud Migration
- Backblaze - Veeam cloud backup solution $5/
- Migration from AD to InTune
- MYA Presentation at NWAEA Review
So i'm just going to assume that he's there someplace, fully Welcome everybody the K. 12. Now let you check in. This is addition for September 20 s, 2022. Thanks everyone showing up today, and I think, some time. Constraints. am turn it over Matt shilling have discussed what's been on with today. last week don't even know what our group called Northwest Iowa Technology user group. Is right? think they we got together about 2021 of us. They but Moc Floyd Valley Martin Yarborough. From Martini Arbor, own associates came presented an hour in regards The security contracted, signed Aa. Of Iowa. it's interesting presentation he went through hour. And Scott were discussing before recording was to, me hit all my devices a 500 person. Environment we'd sign middle tier, which something along lines $5,000. can't remember number ips scans lesser one really could fit better it. price point $3,500 that, then top $7,000. amount offer, wide ranging menu kind order from as far can do pen testing. thing take interest gonna use insurance company fishing test. offered $2 starting at they'll do. Is, basically test your people twice pre-test post-test where sit wise vulnerability within users. thought financially. We're constrained private school, make those numbers happen unfortunate, set Secondarily, had We walkthrough. You guys Governor Reynolds signing off Grants 15 $50,000 per building. building, if you're school may 2 buildings attached like It seen Scott. give terminology It's line residential bed or get terminology, so thank how report beds. Report. district that's single building has elementary high reports go, would be 3 schools, though same physical address. So, however, State sees Even e-rate when around put free reduced lunch into rate system each list there, regardless their location, are 50 1,000 times that. through. walkthrough took us h i've heard variations I'm. I'm different spots, location. gentleman doing this sped timeline 18 month 9 once done by they're hiring lot more questionnaire type stuff. Okay, error questions. How many students reduce lunch? already security. walk around, essentially walkthrough, takes whole mess photos, whoever comes photos ipad noting locations interior well exterior If wanting does. beginning wanna What's list? cameras also door access. things As said priority air conditioning. might find strange, justification keep doors windows open time help cool. Well risk because propped open. lies. Why, somewhat justify know, covered other folks jumped early further out, dates, hopefully them Done quicker, based davenport. these out time, spending 5 days road, home weekend back trying best everywhere. little bit process somebody wasn't s ro, law enforcement. Our local enforcement otherwise jokingly say relatively quiet. only wanted talk online program freshman English. Has gotten literally moved classrooms avoided switch jump, cleared issue elevate program. seems teachers, classes almost lockstep advancing class. Like said. biggest hiccup overall grade book portion. books you've export manually input ass. not 100% seamless saw chat There photo pricing structure less than endpoints 3,500 year 1,000, 2,000 5,000. 2,000. One plus 7,000. Yeah. so, Haven't meeting August. had. He talked didn't actually testing stuff mentioned directly, testing, Mr. Gunderson. user. Am correct we'll assess cost after scheme, there's sow, including penetration. Testing include like. mean was, it, depends roller ability, scanning So. No, will nice, able see need. Yeah, no. endpoints. specific details behind quote. weren't number. chicken egg work part scope work, know. come estimate. But yeah, first scan network figure active Ip addresses have. ideally, could, isolate guest devices. They're ip address range yours. any, any effect adjust well, go ahead probably so. Matt, while You're still here contacted vendor work? Or contracting walkthroughs? recommendations, bid ones doesn't count anything, won State. contract anybody want reimbursement? Deal money spend reimbursed spend. coming anything great needs whatever long choose is, should understanding. Yes, sounds good close questions else, Man, appreciate support i'll try shortly okay, Sounds good. Well, thanks update particular did Zoom Go here? My apologies here, looks changed bit. greg we're spoke Let's okay couple extra add mad green bone appliance virtual appliance. Google interesting. hardware using yeah guess Denison right now power school. Sso. factor, big project now. looking sso hub here. Sarah you? martin yarborough thing, they've month, next week, finding network, outstanding buy district. pay 7 sure devices, apparently day excited moving purchased 25 licenses you'll remind called. msi sack edr most, servers most important workstations. contemplating whether few bought start, more. laptop, send trouble Scott, said, gotta tell everything laptop started bloating adobe throwing sorts terrible, means, terrible 10 alert happens, stop. stop having running chromebooks students. picking tags putting stickers them. pain handle asset Tag name chromebook repurpose chromebook. bigger stupid off. acceptable policy. haven't very pull identify harder else classrooms, secretary sharing until new years. means we've cabling wireless there. phone who call phones, down failing, replace capable not? Ip. What say? Time term isn't anyway. I've i'd maybe cooler cloud whatever. hooked together. Voip touch every bill, room pretty jump on. voicemail old finally card that'll computer anymore. That'll attach, yesterday phones electricity easy. it's, think. told seal Maybe unfortunately, fail yet. anyway, look forward again. We'll hire feel swamped. future ready Des Moines, missed full work. colleagues catch up. question. Photoshop printing art. Epson printer year. Print Photoshop. anybody's ever experienced googling, issues. weird quite while. photoshop sending command seeing driver latest greatest help. That's road down. failed past somehow messed either workstations case. print word application. messing drivers. next. bounce Jesus. Oh, talking labels. When noticed labels inside lid Crow tag name, tape pick ridiculous, sudden won't theirs really, really. Anyway, sent plea teachers too, up, laptops, college degree says Be responsible sticking. update, Sarah. then. Jason. you. Things well. working cad computers waiting cable course couldn't hdmi computer, HD desktop. display ports, lightning things. Not $1,500 machine, there! then, port. Hdmi adapters, previous machines is. pretty. $8 no, no deal another going. known box. beautiful cat monitors big. are. hard projectors smartboards, Some bad problems. brought cables looking. Add solution, maybe. Vivi, hear it? solution. loners. now, let's Mosul tomorrow, hoops apple. kept asking accreditation papers them, accounts yesterday, ipads e rate, planning late real 4 eighty-sixes Then haven't, ticket figured securely basic package Everything's completely ipads. Jason, basic, one? Are paid one. core, classroom. getting gotcha version version. See Compliance much sure. nice quick, busy wouldn't summer students, staff computers. today coming, dot com. directory enjoying securely. simple. about. tr They, have, 72 button. someone lights buttons names were, mess. constantly blinking, useful. learn system, worked. re-programmed done. button ones. older new. committee 1 updated programming didn't. swap anything. before, state, list. usually systems exactly creating pie, polly too much. Working issues clever boards home. defective, mounting hardware. mount bolt holes Wi-fi smart board broken box, fun waited several months, ordered replacement months ago, icart, Rover. Whatever, supposed Friday. emailed Hey, eta way need equipment classrooms. e- while, Auba extremely backed Hey? All hp cool, hey? Landon, ma'am, Foley alright Landon updates we. Getting prepared Board Monday night cyber efforts. present wondering team develop template schools consider information publicly shared? potentially redacted shared closed session, on, effort. framework session without depth products share. night. comfortable completed yesterday. migration Sui being hosted locally. locally period obviously There's data both hr accounting side crypto locked, highly paying ransom fact hours needed rebuild data. sleeping night, knowing backups multiple day, Co. Connecting cloud, connect cloud? rdp remoteing actual virtually machine? machine case ago. they'd progress initially concerned Rtp session. 22 r i'm, thinking support. enough assuming mass quick os. yes. essentially, web page care credentials. downloads Rdp step launch Rtp. Session, stopped credentials itself. opposed used su. character Max. minimum password. some. business office man. inconvenient. comparison password double clicked desktop, mean, push years ago implementing click log bank account, authentication. But, man, helps sense struggled mapped mapping printers drives desktop always struggle. Nup, utility tool helped taking that've Greg, ran tool, instead attempting ui telling for, did, report. sometimes minutes loaded spool printers. sui setting general, I'm: guy, yeah. right. headache drives. c c. drive. seat. drive clicks documents. documents left hand Rdp. access options saying, connect? that? somewhere interesting? changes software unlimited. save because, skip site. settings saved again downloaded start login. Otherwise run problems shortcut authentication something. Exactly. happening happy already. prem, product blaze backblaze com dollars terabyte month. cold storage affordable storage. subscription v V. understand search malware encryption, types backup ensuring crappy backplace, between on-prem cloud. understanding, knowledge beam implement piece switching tune azure. azure Actor Directory authentication, itself rid premise saying attributes directory. ha conversations Can active, direct, honestly, bold Jason domain Controller. place places Jesus totally doors, workstation Do controller doors? main doors. sequel scripts Domain Controller Active Directory. at. attribute happening. wonder this? anymore firewall Hcp. Dhcp. thinking, controller, stick server Prem. Obviously, intune deployment made reliable policy Folks anywhere policies apps anytime. clarification. reading documentation safe cybersecurity side. virus, bound communicate transfer virus communicating site not. proof man reason why like, prem ad hazard traffic demand controller. hang systems, camera hbac past. how, easy manage ad, attribute, independently managed goes? replacing centralized management ad? finished database live email presence Ad. Account. generated connecting talented software, rick automatically generate dictate groups goal contracted building? under job be? That employed change. change Hr shift rights into, Hr. Data. proven yet safer, maintain away aren't joined Kind infrastructure you're. It's, browser something, mean. Still domain. At end device equivalent Morocco mosle Mdm require retrieve allowing account user's machine. considered account? managing admin? employees logging accounts. again, us, needing directory, maintains communicate. hope connection field possible shush gotta. cover side, never ending deal. Okay. thanks. Thank part. bring text message group, wait. Tell later. met prairie. Aea region, scheduled least monthly zoom. Call, average, tech directors present. reached separate zoom jumping zoom? Ea Cindy, chief administrator leading Now. she idea her administrative assistant directly reaching to. crashing zooms similar structure, operated fact, Cindy new, southeast. immune felt heads thing. perspective in, people's ideas gives question heads, answers anyone comments it'd great. too. agenda dates fine I. closer normally, Al Tuna secure conference. Prattam place. 406 attendance. crowd prairie meadows event center, limited 12 people, walks life keynote presenter retired FBI agent story lost everything. vendors typical floor raid pamela's week. Put blanket extension category filings. In 2020, 21 sorry, final billing extended September, 30 2023. hoping installed summer, normally file bare forms thirtieth paperwork services, normal filing, fill bear form. Central, build entity Your form bottom funds funding dispersed, Actually, October worth checking Alrighty. hearing screen hasn't shipped Internet dropped everyone's quiet, joining plan Thursday