- ECF funding received at Spirit Lake
- 3rd Wave ECF funding
- Cyber Insurance requirements 2FA requirements, with no guidance.
- Computer/Chromebook End of the year check in process.
Alright, hey? what i'm gonna go ahead and start recording so give me just a second, Should know that welcome everyone to the April 20, eighth edition of Technology check-in thanks for showing up today. And with I guess we'll get started, Clint, you kind brought something right before started recording. So why? why, don't What if mind want share or not? Yeah, Shlb. It's Eric Friedo from shlb coalition. even is, but they said filed comments Fcc. Opposing its proposal nationalized e rate bidding process. Essentially it's same thing. this must be coalition yeah, essentially saying thing we were. hinder us stuff like There are 5 O. one, C 3 promoting broadband anchor institutions in their community school health libraries Okay, step at end. one those things. They. They become men member that. yeah out thing, thought it was news of, We decided not to, alright well beans. I've turned over else has been going on Plan? Well, Scott last night. We're doing some server things looking making sure our servers running. had power outage Saturday 2 h, then oh, fried things, into there were set right, being done. trying all ducks moving forward. worked night morning. big help. week dealing new come up. so, nothing h outers. definitely see works doesn't work when comes back after everything shuts down. yup anything , couple weeks since on. But ecf funding ipads computers. got almost now, came fast. That was, mean, fast, once. good. Just waiting other your reimburse. You reimbursement actually money's account did bear form, computers spy. computer place reimbursed Bill will away. Not quite asking that's cool so. Is any issues paperwork, filled took time it? time. really once only about week. know, in, paid control form. spy form built long ago. there, them. still could be. fill waiver because who's supposed July first, sent twentieth received Then there's waiver. out, company trfera said, send early stock wanted rid it. we're hoping goes through also Matt Shilling, i'll turn you. What's i've third wave Ecf. as schools done face little bit far wanting do chromebooks is situation. gathering my quotes row have whole lab office isn't anymore. 20 odd desktops, starting repurpose They're 4 years old. say display smartboard computers, will. getting them date, having adjustments run slow gigs ram. otherwise prepared end year cleaning office. had. probably 300, can talk cartridges kids program vary $4 8 cents value Toss laptops, it'll price quota boxes. That's otherwise. these windows machines reloading literally running update startup. Because seems drive suck lot resources. Going updates needed stopping services Aren't needed, helps speeding bit. general clean machine out. The smart software need order use super crazy, full wipe alrighty. . Oh, sorry more talking beforehand Catholic deal mandate insurance company, clear twofa haven't Who needs email, how extends. deadline June thirtieth. thirtieth details there. shake. Suppose document accept are. expecting each submit tools? covered by policy, cover? Yeah. diocese, diocese Sioux city, holds. policy. Was, Was methods? catholic mutual group disease, company? insured tokyo maritime, wanna say, covering cyber coverage along lines? gave outlook. Turning twofa, Google hard figure do. none Sc Don't Think within anticipate supporting smaller area. Anyway. Spalding road me, possibly them, lending hand, runs St. Mary, down Danbury Catholic. So? have? Do Are documentation, on, May fifteenth? either enact plan an acting it, fully enacted Twofa then, assuming you're questions grader, grader ha! staff students. email? Sis, email Sis windows? How needing extrapolate like? no direction fact directions faa outlook tells anyway, looks they're If correct not, idea suppose recommendations would always be, required anyone administrative rights, Maybe members remote, access firewalls student information wouldn't bad situation Does tend to. prevent able physically log system. data alphabet stupid offering fish free. offering, service basically gullible clicking link. providing training? report Have seen Matthew Mpholi? you? think city jamc officially support Yet talked him that, no, implemented enabled Jmc. ready should asked beta emailed nice Eric? Eric, ? he Beta, roll beta, everybody wants join Beta sounds stages. Okay? take eric's word over, hadn't met person who itch else, man? No, worries. Alright mark what's sitting much, really. hear does way Our center room lost air compressor conditioning earlier fans keep temperatures than pretty quiet. senior check coming sort stuff. Nothing too far. topic. town hasn't us, dubbed during am approval round Efc. Funding glad guys money back. I'm jealous thank update, mark. Jason, next list here. upgrades schools. well. recycling old equipment. Things now okay, Mr. Foley. along. Hopefully, apes summer months ago exploring possibility bids phone systems. good vendors, let know. kinda year. Thanks let's ever Did miss anybody here? e- announced commitment decision letters 70 ones. heard schools, too. guess. commitment, decision, letters, Philadelphia forty-sixes did. It look like. working processing those. Now point try terribly exciting remember most part. leave day. checklist hand folks guys? though, collect streamline process? like, drop off later. Or Go teachers help? have. instructional coaches gym, bring line. missing broken fixed summer, mean flip make screen intact, put bag name collie. Good marking Know every single back, stuff, where it's? checking charger, seal? Serial numbers. charger several numbers cable chord plugs in. I'm, found charge Samantha cause she her card. Jeremy card, Jeremiah his found? either. job track around often. listed through. studio screen? Issues. We'll grab screens once, Can me? yes, hearing ahead.